Clinical Research

What is Clinical Research?

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What is Clinical Research: -Clinical research in layman’s term refers to any study on human subjects conducted by pharmaceutical personnel in order to determine or authenticate the clinical and pharmacological properties of any investigational drug(s) and/or to discover any adverse reactions of such drug(s) and/or to study such investigational drug(s) with the purpose of estimating […]

Clinical Research

Clinical research assistant training

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Clinical research assistants are the key personnel for improving drugs and health care devices. These professionals have the ability to interpret vast amounts of clinical or medical data in order to divulge the information to the research staff and drug developers who fine tune the products to make certain the patient’s safety.

Clinical Research

GCP Training

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GCP Training :- Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is a worldwide quality norm implemented by the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), which elucidates the standards to follow for the proper conduct of clinical research. It delineates the roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders’ viz., sponsors, investigators, ethics committees and others involved for the protection of human […]